Over the last two days I’ve finished a series of bug fixes for J-Ben, addressing the multibyte search issue, a previously unknown infinite loop bug, and some other minor issues. I’m getting ready for a new release, which I think will be out within the next few days.
However, I think there’s one more feature I want to add to that release, and that is making the English-Japanese search recognize English word boundaries. This will not affect Japanese-English searching; I may add restrictions in the future like 2-or-more kana on kana-only searches, but for the time being I don’t think it’s terribly necessary.
One last detail: I am pushing my code to a public git repository now. Repository details are listed at http://repo.or.cz/w/jben.git. Do I have a real serious reason why I chose git as opposed to CVS/SVN? Honestly, just that I would like to learn how to use git properly since it is what is used for Linux kernel development, and I’ve been curious how different it is from CVS/SVN.
That’s it for now. Oh, if anyone reading this checks out my Japan blog, I uploaded about 11 months worth of photos and videos to the media section last night.