Mozilla Firefox/Google Chrome and Flash on Debian Squeeze 64-bit

Update, 2012-04-24: This procedure updates the Flash player in use by Firefox. Chrome can also pick this up, so this solution appears to work for both browsers. I recently re-installed Debian Squeeze on my main machine. I’m using the 64-bit version along with 64-bit Chrome. However, the 64-bit Chrome does not come with a built-in Read more about Mozilla Firefox/Google Chrome and Flash on Debian Squeeze 64-bit[…]

Adventures with C #1: GLib on Windows with MinGW/MSys using autotools

This is the first document in what may become a series of docs on cross-platform development using pure C (not C++) along with commonly available libraries.

A brief aside about my background for newcomers: I’m experienced with Python and C++ (although admittedly rusty in the latter), and I’ve written straight C as well (in college, for work, for GNU Typist). However, I feel my C skills are not as strong as they could be.

Basically, I know how to program and am not interested in reinventing the wheel. My focus is on developing my skills with practical C development, using any open source available libraries which I can along with, if feasible/possible, the MinGW/MSys toolchain.

This first article is a tutorial of how to use GLib with the autotools on Windows via MinGW/MSys.


gettext, Python, and Windows: a simple demo

Last time, I discussed some of the issues about localizing a Python app in Windows. This time, I’m providing a simple demo app which shows how localization can be accomplished. To avoid an overly verbose explanation, I’ve set up a GitHub repo with the code, a sample .po file, plus some scripts for easily creating Read more about gettext, Python, and Windows: a simple demo[…]